Monday, April 11, 2016

Trip to Nairobi III

I've gone to Nairobi for work a few times before, though I haven't ever blogged about the actual city in depth (Trip ITrip II,Trip III). Nairobi is actually closer to Moshi than Dar es Salaam (7 hour bus trip compared to 11) and is far more cosmopolitan and bustling. I've always stayed downtown in the city center so I can't speak much about the affluent suburbs which are apparently full of posh shopping malls and fancy restaurants, rather I prefer the blue-collar and grimy downtown.

The one thing I really love about Nairobi is the pace and congestion. I'm sure if I lived there I wouldn't enjoy it but since I always stay in downtown and only get around by walking, it is a total change of pace from the sleepy town of Moshi. The streets are packed with people and you can hear languages from all over the continent. The hustle and bustle truly lets you feel the pulsating of the city and energy from all of those working, traveling, and doing whatever else they are doing in a city of 5+ million people.

I always go to Nairob for work though I make sure I find time to go and see an IMAX when I am in there since Moshi does not have a movie theater. They have to sell a certain number of tickets to make the showing worthwhile so I have learned to always attend a popular screening time in the evening. I also make sure to get some great food, which ranges from western to Ethiopian and everything in between.

I am always overwhelmed and have a bit of culture shock when it comes to interacting with middle and upper class Kenyans. People in Nairobi have money and they flaunt it, which isn't as common as in Moshi. Kenya is extremely Westernized and materialism is rampant with people putting in massive effort to project their image.

In the end I love my trips there even though I wouldn't describe myself as a city person. Although my experience is limited in both experience and context, I quite prefer it to other big cities in Africa that I have visited such as Lagos, Accra, Dar es Salaam and Lusaka. I have a strong feeling I would dislike it if I lived there but for short visits, I have a great time!

National Park. A lion recently escaped and wrecked havoc in the city. Well, not really but it sounds more dramatic that way.

The congested streets. 

I don't know if this is photoshopped but Nairobi rarely looks so nice. 


More downtown vibes. 

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