Monday, January 15, 2018

The Rainy Season

Rain on its way....
The rainy season here is completely different than the rainy season we had in the north. People generally say that the rainy season runs from December to May though this year December had very little rain. Rain began to fall heavily in January though it is said to have a brief dry spell in February before continuing in March.

Since we are in such a dry area the rainy season here brings a dramatic change to the landscape. Grasses grow higher than your head, trees put out lush leaves, and swarms of insects are found everywhere. Although this area is dominated by the Great Ruaha River, several of the tributaries and offshoots also fill up making previously passable roads impassable.

I love the rainy season for constant availability of water, less dust in the air, and the lush nature of the landscape. I dislike getting stuck in the mud and the dramatic increase in insects though so far I find the frequency of rain here to be rather tame.

The majority of people that live in this area practice agriculture so villages are more or less empty during the day as people tend to their crops. It's a very active time for villagers and many of them depend on the harvest to provide them both food and income for the rest of the year. It is still common for people to participate in ritual ceremonies and provide offerings to “rain spirits” though I've heard stories of people that hear of rain falling in a neighboring village, rush to make an offering, and then claim prescience while other villagers exult their knowledge and actions!

Wet season

Same spot in the dry season

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