Saturday, April 5, 2014

Random Pictures: Volume II

Once in a while a guy that sharpens knives visits our work to see if we need any assistance. He rides his bike and then simply switches the chain to another cog, turns himself around, and suddenly he has a pedal powered sharpening stone. 

These quasi-shops are seen everywhere in Moshi. As you can see they sell a variety of items, mostly cheap Chinese goods. The sheer variety of goods in such a small space is admirable. 

Sometimes the women selling fruits don't want to hustle and fight for customers; they'd rather read the paper. 

One of my favorite traveling salesmen, the sunglasses man. 

A closer look at his goods. 

These "town criers" are the best advertising. Load up a generator and sound system on the back of a truck and drive around slowly broadcasting your advert to a large area. They are unbearably loud when you are right next to you and sometimes meetings have to be paused until one passes. 

I came to work one day and saw this unfortunate bush-baby that had fallen victim to the power lines. They are all over Moshi, especially noticeable during mango season, though they are nocturnal so difficult to see. 

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