Sunday, July 30, 2017

Camp activities: Evening walk

Walking through a commiphora woodland with the sunset
One of the things I love the most about our new home is the ease of taking a walk. It was one of the drawback of living in the city of Moshi; finding a natural place nearby to go for a walk required a significant drive in the car, which is less than ideal.

Luckily we're now surrounded by open bush and going on a walk is literally as easy as walking out of our banda. We try to go on a walk every evening from around 5pm until the sunset around 630pm. Our camp is surrounded by a mosaic of habitats so we've got acacia and commiphora with some farm land mixed in. One benefit of having cows and goats grazing around is that there are numerous trails that create a network of trails ripe for exploration and variety.

We've found a few different circuits that we like to walk depending on the amount of time we have and our mood. We often bird watch and the recent purchase of a tree identification book has reduced the distance we travel as we spend every few steps identifying a new tree species. We take note of all the different flowering patterns and we are pleasantly surprised at the amount of wildlife around even though it's so dry.

It's great to get out of camp each day and get some exercise. We can't wait for the rainy season and bird migration as I'm sure the landscape changes dramatically. It's a real treat to get out in nature and we're feeling more and more connected to the natural environment every day noticing subtle changes in the flowering plants and presence of animals.
Mixed acacia

Land cleared for agriculture 

Climbing a baobab. Some locals put in pegs to climb and raid the honey of bees. 
Overgrazed area nearby in the morning light

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