Sunday, January 7, 2018

River and waterfall hike: Trip II

The other week we wanted to visit the waterfall and check out the water level and maybe trek around the hills a bit (Trip I). Unfortunately, that day clouds were threatening all day long and by the time we reached the waterfall rain was imminent. I had a quick dip, which proved to be absolutely unnecessary because we got pounded by the rain immediately upon leaving. We had parked the car about 7km away and the waterfall wasn't even close to any houses that we could take refuge in. By the time we reached a house we were soaked completely through and figured we might as well just push on.

As soon as we realized that we'd get totally soaked we actually quite enjoyed the walk. We could see huge sheets of rain in the distance as well as a few patches with sunshine. We kept warm enough from the heat generated by our brisk pace, and knowing a dry car was nearby helped to improve our morale as well. It had been a good while since we'd been caught out in the rain and a welcome change from the previous dry climate.
Waterfall in the dry season

Waterfall in the wet season

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