Monday, January 21, 2019

Ruaha National Park: After the first rains

Elephants are so happy eating grass

After the dry season, we have a period of short rains in December and January. These rains bring out the leaves on the trees and grass on the ground. The herbivores have the luxury of multiple water sources and begin to graze areas far and wide. Carnivores, easily seen in the dry season by the permanent water sources, also fan out in attempt to catch prey. So although the wildlife viewing is more difficult, the general environment is lush and welcoming. People who visit this time of year would not believe how dry it can get and vice versa. There are parts of the park that are seriously unrecognizable for us depending on the season and many roads become unpassable due to the mud.

The rivers aren't yet fully flowing, the grasses aren't yet too high, and the roads aren't totally waterlogged. It's a real unique time to visit the park although it can be hit and miss if you catch a rainy day. It's tons of fun to see the herbivores eating their fill and one can be surprised at lions slinking in the grasses. 

The Mwagusi river, dry for much of the year, has started flowing

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