Saturday, June 8, 2024

Resturant review: Jay's Kitchen

The spicy pork

One of the best parts about being back in Moshi, in fact, the reason we added another two hours onto our already 9 hour journey, was because of the Korean restaurant, Jay's Kitchen. We were living in Moshi when it opened and it used to be one of our favorite spots. It has authentic Korean food, complete with banchan, as well as a pleasant and quiet location. 

We had not been to Jay's Kitchen in a few years and they renovated the front area to be more of a cafe. I used to really like the Asian chef behind the counter that bowed as we entered, a nice touch of true authenticity. Still, the cafe in front/restaurant in back combo takes good advantage of their space. 

They had a new menu and I initially had difficulty locating their spicy pork (Jeyuk Bokkeum). This dish is probably one of my favorite dishes IN THE WORLD and I had a short panic when I didn't see it on the menu. However, after asking the waiter he immediately knew which dish I was talking about, as if this inquiry was of such regular frequency that he wished the menu would have it clearly as to save him time constantly fielding this question. 

They used to have a lunch special but this doesn't seem to be on the menu anymore. Still, I've got to recommend this restaurant and in my opinion it is one of the best in Tanzania. I often look for Korean food while traveling and I have not found any as good as this one.

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