Saturday, June 15, 2024

Serengeti Grass Fires

The smoke gives the sky a pretty color at sunset.

The Serengeti has a massive grassland ecosystem and this time of the year the park authorities schedule burns. I am no grassland ecologist so I'm not sure what the method to the madness is but what I do know is that northern Serengeti was full of smoke from the afternoon into the evening. We managed to avoid it most days but one day we were engulfed in smoke and fire at our sundowner spot.

The smoke helped contribute to a really pretty sunset and around some of the burn areas we were treated to some birds that were snatching all the crickets and other insects desperate to escape. We were lucky to have some breeze at night which cleared it from our camp and the burns didn't start until mid-morning so we had time to enjoy the morning game drives.

Watching the sunset, engulfed in smoke

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